Monday, January 05, 2009

God's Idea of Justice

It might be that we have presupposed God's idea of justice. What comes to mind . . . lightning bolts, bad happenings, car crashes, sickness? Psalm 11 gives more clarity of God's thinking about justice (and injustice).

From the passage in Psalm 11, it is important to see that God doesn't "wink" at injustice. He sees and He will deal - in one way or another. I want to value what God values. God values His creation. As said in previous readings, He actually put humans "a little lower than the angels". He didn't put trees or water or the sun " a little lower than the angels" - He put humans. While I know we have to take care of our planet, truly I see that God's heart is for the part of His creation that can have relationship with Him. That's humans!

The world's "stuff" seems overwhelming sometimes, but within the sphere of my influence, I have the opportunity to bring God's ideas and heart. The realm of God's thinking and action, His kingdom, is where I believe justice will be done. My challenge is to retool my thinking to match His so I will see from His perspective. Therein lies the challenge for the day!

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